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National School Sports Week 

This year it will run for the week of the 19th of June


​Youth Sport Trust coordinate this event and this year they are asking for a Pledge to Play: "We want families, schools and partner organisations to take the #PledgeToPlay today. The pledge supports the government ask that children are active within school for 30 minutes a day, and then outside of school for at least another 30 minutes, supporting every child to reach the minimum amount of 60 active minutes."


We will provide additional opportunities for active minutes at school throughout the week. If you can help us in any way that week (providing a one-off club, showcasing a sport you're involved in, or encouraging others to be more active) please let Mrs Hannah or Mrs Pagan know.

Find information on local sports clubs and events here.

If you are a member of a local sport team or club and want to share information here then please let us know.

Grassroots Junior Football Development Centre - run by one of the Scarcroft dads and based out of Millthorpe every Saturday. Bringing high quality football coaching to all. Please contact Joel on 07857 738 157. 

Family Gym memberships
Based in Acomb, Ouch Potato gym offer children's membership for Family Fit sessions and child strengthening and weights.