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The School Day

Start of the school day


The school doors open at 8:40 am and the teachers are outside to welcome the children on the playground. The children line up with their teacher. A bell is rung at 8.45am and the classes start to make their way into the school. As children enter school with their teacher, they put their packed lunches and coats in the appropriate places. Once in the classroom, the teacher will complete the register and the children complete their morning tasks. The children only have 10 minutes to complete their morning work before Assembly so it is important that everyone is on time. Any child arriving after the register has been taken is classed as late and will require a late pass from the office.




The school day begins for everybody with an Assembly. Four days out of five, this is with the whole school and is led by one of the senior leaders. By starting the day together as a whole school, we emphasise our sense of team spirit and ensure that all our children hear key messages from stories and songs, to help them to play their part as caring and co-operative citizens.




All our pupils study English and Maths during the morning. For infants and Reception pupils, this also includes a 20-minute phonics session. 




In the afternoons pupils in Years 1-4 study a themed topic that links to National Curriculum content. These change on a termly basis and usually cover a range of subjects, although they often focus more strongly on one or two particular subjects e.g. Holidays (focusing more strongly on History and Geography). PE lessons also take place in the afternoons. Reception pupils also make a weekly visit to the school Allotment as part of their ‘Forest School’ work. Pupils in Year 5 & 6 study discrete subjects, often in blocks – this means that they may not be studying every subject every half term.




Infants and Juniors go out to play separately in the morning, to ensure that they have plenty of space to run around and to protect newly arrived Reception pupils from the potential of bumping into much larger children. At lunchtime, there is a white line painted across the middle of the playground; infants play on one side of it and juniors on the other, to ensure that they can play safely. Midday Meal Supervisors oversee the children during the lunchtime whilst outside and when eating their lunch inside. 



We follow the National Curriculum for English and Maths. As part of an academy we provide a broad and balanced curriculum, based on a topic theme and including the following subjects:


  • English
  • Maths
  • Computing 
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Art
  • PE
  • RE
  • PSHCE *
  • Design & Technology


* = Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education


In Reception the pupils follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum and are taught across 6 areas of learning:


  • Communication & Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Expressive Arts & Design
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding The World


