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Scarcroft Science

What Science do we learn at Scarcroft?

Please see individual year group pages for 'knowledge organisers' for each topic that those year groups teach.

Try at Home!

(see the fun links for more ideas)

Christmas Themed Science

Halloween Themed Activities

Fun Links

Pupil Voice

In March 2019, I interviewed children from across the school about their views on our Science learning. I was seriously impressed with some of complex and scientific ideas given by pupils from across all ages groups in our school. There were some genuinely lovely responses that I wanted to share. Here are some of the highlights:


"I know that I have to be safe. At Forest Schools, I check behind me when I chop wood" - Reception.


"Science is making inventions. You have to think about what to do before you do it and see if it works" - Year 1.


"I learned that a magnet needed to have a big surface to attract the most paper clips" - Year 2.


"Science is finding out if something works. You can even learn more than one thing from the same experiment" - Year 3.


"In Science, you get to see things that you don't normally see. And sometimes there's explosions." - Year 4.


"Science investigations are when you are trying to work out the answer to question by using different equipment." - Year 5.


"Yes, I like Science. It's super exciting and I get to learn about interesting things like why Titanic sank." - Year 6.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!


Mr Cole
