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Scarcroft Maths

Learning your Multiplication Tables

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Please watch the video to see how we teach the multiplication tables and how you can support your children with learning them.

Times Tables at Scarcroft

At Scarcroft, we are passionate about children learning their times tables. To help with this we employ two strategies: 

1) Children chant or sing their times tables on a regular basis. This helps as research shows that some knowledge is gained by assimilating the language pattern. This is just like learning the lyrics to a song and these chunks of langauge patterns are stored in our memories. 

2) We employ something we have called the Times Tables Stick Method - not catchy I know! We do this in Years 3 to 6. If you would like to know more about this useful method, please watch the video. In our experience it is the best way for children to learn their tables and, most importantly, learn about the structure of multiplication simultaneously. If you would like to practice this method at home with your children, please print the resource and fill it in for whatever times table they are currently learning. 



Please refer to our documents and Vision Statement on this page:


Many thanks, 

Mr Stevens 

Maths Lead 
